I decided to link up with Simply Speech to tell you about my (my students’) favorite board games of 2014. In 2014, thanks to all of you for buying my TpT items, I was able to buy many new games! My students loved seeing my newly stocked shelves! (Or when I’d tell them I had a new game but I left it in my car; next session they were sure to ask if I’d brought it in yet!) *This post contains affiliate links.
Here are my top 3 games:
1. Pop the Pig
I think I was late to the party on this one, but it really is phenomenal! I have a student who was petrified of pigs (we’re talking couldn’t even hear the word spelled by a classmate. Yes, I know that because his classmate did it purposely.) who was even willing to overcome his fear to play it. That’s how fun it is. And it’s so quick to play that it doesn’t take away from our speech work to play it. Plus, it’s great for /p/ and final /g/ words.
2. Mr. Mouth
We call this “the frog game” in my speech room. I inherited this from the previous SLP (at my now former school) and kids of ALL ages love it. Even the littlest of kids, who can’t get a single fly into the frog’s mouth, love it. It’s requested at least once a day in my room. I usually wait until each student has earned 3 flies before shooting them. Then, I set a time limit (45 seconds, usually) and have a go at it.
3. Silly Socks Game
This game is so simple and more for the younger group (PreSchool through 1st played it in my room). It’s very simple and works on matching, final /k/, stopping, visual perception, describing, and same/different skills in addition to whatever you’re working on in Speech that day. It also makes for a quick turn and doesn’t detract from the purpose of the session.
Have a great 2015, everyone!