A couple weeks ago, I walked into a third grade class to pick up two boys for Speech. Their teacher asked if they could bring their reader’s theater scripts, because the class was in the middle of practicing. What a PHENOMENAL idea! This group was at the reading paragraphs/spontaneous level of their artic skills, so finding meaningful activities is always a struggle. Reader’s theater sounded like a wonderful idea! The session worked out beautifully. The students got in many trials of their sounds and it was spontaneous because their targets weren’t underlined, bolded, italicized, etc. This session inspired me to create a new product!
In this product you will find:
-3 different Reader’s Theater scripts, between 7-8 pages each, with 4 characters per story.
– The scripts are loaded with the most commonly targeted sounds for articulation students (/r, s, z, l, s-blends, th, k, g, sh, ch/, vivid vocabulary appropriate for 3rd-6th graders, pragmatics, problem solving, and figurative language concepts.
-Question cards that target synonyms, antonyms, and figurative language. “Arrogant Aaron” has 18 cards, “Billy’s Blunder” has 24 cards, “Cupcake Cathy” has 42 cards. Encourage your students to find the target word/phrase in the script and use context clues to determine the meaning/a synonym or antonym. Three answer choices are given for each synonym and antonym, but this method of cueing is easily eliminated if the SLP reads the question aloud.
-A worksheet with comprehension questions. The worksheets can be read aloud by the SLP or students can each write on their own sheet. Worksheets come with a teacher answer key.
-A data collection sheet to track accuracy for each character and each phoneme.
These scripts print very well in black and white, if you need to save ink. That way, you can print one for each student. *Highlight all of the student’s lines on his copy of the script so he doesn’t lose his place.
For easy organization, the pictures on the question cards correspond to the theme of the story. Additionally, each page of the script and subsequent worksheets have the script’s title’s acronym in the top left corner. (e.g “BB”)
If you have those mixed groups of artic and language kids, this Reader’s Theater product would be perfect! It is finished just in time for the big Teacher Appreciation sale on TpT. Everything in my store is 20% off! Use the code “TPTXO” for an extra 10% off!
And in case you missed it, don’t forget to grab my BHSM month Freebie. It’s a handout that easily explains to teachers what SLPs do. Find it here! It comes in color and B&W!
Amy C.
This looks like so much fun!
My students would love these. I have a lot of budding actors and actresses. What a neat idea!
What a great idea! This would be perfect for my older artic students!
Sharon Schackmann
These look awesome! I’m always looking for ways to carryover artic skills and this will be perfect!
Teach Speech 365
Fabulous idea! I have several upper elementary students who have both artic and language goals, so this would be great to have!