Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of my favorites days in speech. Obviously.
This year I’m linking up with Ashley from Sweet Southern Speech to talk about all of the fun things I have planned for this fun day – which typically lasts a week in my speech room!
One of my students’ favorite games is ALWAYS Pop Up Pirate. It’s great as a reinforcer for any age because it makes for a quick turn. It’s also good for the little ones because you can work on requesting top/bottom, and “in”. The Peachie Speech has companion for this game targeting articulation!
A couple years ago a colleague found this bin in the Target Dollar Spot and bought it for me 🙂 It’s great for simple location concept tasks.
Even more fun when you use these skull erasers that are out now for Halloween! (Also from Target $ spot.)
The other favorite game in my closet is Cariboo. If you’re lucky enough to own the elusive game, you may want to grab my Cariboo Cards: Themed Vocabulary for a Whole Year! It has visuals for the pirate them plus MANY more! (38 to be exact).
This year I planned a new craft for my preschoolers. We are going to make speech and language treasure chests.
Each student will get a “speech” or “language” treasure chest depending on his/her goals. Students will glue on “gold coins” – containing their speech and language targets, of course!
Glitter makes everything cuter. And the fact that the treasure chest can be opened or closed adds a fun touch.
A quick easy way to get all of your coins done is to use this handy 1 1/2 inch hole punch. I’m pretty sure I’ve become a hole punch hoarder. I have a bunch of sizes in circles and squares and use them all the time! Here’s the one I used for this project. Or if you really don’t feel like cutting circles, you can just cut them into squares using a paper cutter.
When I worked in with elementary-aged students, this was one of my go-to books! Not only is it great for articulation carryover, the vocabulary in it is fantastic. It’s written by an SLP.
Find my book companion by clicking the image below.
I have lots more pirate activities for a range of ages and goals in my TpT store. You can find them all here!
My favorite, by far, is my pirate sensory treasure hunt.
I wrote a more in depth post about it last year. Find it here.
Enjoy pirate week in speech!
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Amanda Schaumburg (Panda Speech)
That sensory chest is awesome! Great idea!
How fun!
Lisette (Speech Sprouts)
Totally adore digging for your cards in the “treasure”! You really have some great pirate finds, love it.